
  • BU204
    • NPN silicon power transistor. Horizontal deflection output stages of large screen colour deflection circuits. 2.5Amp, 1300V, 36Watt.
  • BU205
    • NPN silicon power transistor. Horizontal deflection output stages of large screen colour deflection circuits. 2.5Amp, 1500V, 36Watt.
  • BU208
    • NPN silicon power transistor. Horizontal deflection output stages of large screen colour deflection circuits. 5Amp, 1300V, 12.5Watt.
  • BU208A
    • NPN silicon power transistor. Horizontal deflection output stages of televisions. 5Amp, 700V, 12.5Watt.
  • BU208A
    • NPN, horizontal deflection transistor. Designed for use in televisions. Vceo = 700Vdc, Vcex = 1500Vdc, Veb = 5Vdc, Ic = 5Adc, PD = 12.5W.
  • BU208D
    • NPN silicon power transistor with integrated damper diode. Use in large screen colour deflection circuits. 5Amp, 1500V, 60Watt.
  • BU208D
    • NPN, horizontal deflection transistor with integrated damper diode. Vceo = 700Vdc, Vces = 1500Vdc, Veb = 5Vdc, Ic = 5Adc, PD = 60W.

BU205 PDF資料和參數原理簡介

品牌 : Usha 

封裝形式 : TO-204AA 

引腳數量 : 3 

溫度範圍 : 最小 -65 °C | 最大 115 °C

文件大小 : 51 KB

功能應用 : NPN silicon power transistor. Horizontal deflection output stages of large screen colour deflection circuits. 2.5Amp, 1500V, 36Watt. 

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