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SL74LV373N Octal D-type transparent latch (3-state).
SL74LS138D 3-to-8-line decoder/demultiplexer.
SL2411N Tone ringer
SL4052BD Analog multiplexer demultiplexer. High-performance silicon-gate CMOS.
SL74HC4052D Analog multiplexer/demultiplexer. High-performance silicon-gate CMOS.
SL74LV04D Hex inverter.
SL4029BN Presettable up/down counter. High-voltage silicon-gate CMOS.
SL4012BN Dual 4-input NAND gate. High-voltage silicon-gate CMOS.
SL74HC74D Dual D flip-flop with set and reset. High-performance silicon-gate CMOS.
SL4049BN Hex buffer/converter. High-voltage silicon-gate CMOS.
SL4001BD Quad 2-input NOR gate. High-voltage silicon-gate CMOS.
SL74HC02N Quad 2-Input NOR Gate
SL74LS245D Octal 3-state noninverting bus transceiver.
SL75232D Line driver/receiver.
SL4516BN Presettable up/down counter. High-voltage silicon-gate CMOS.
SL74HC221N Dual monostable multivibrator
SL74HCT273N Octal D flip-flop with common clock and reset . High-performance silicon-gate CMOS.
SL74HC221D Dual monostable multivibrator
SL34119N Low power audio amplifier.
SL74HCT02N Quad 2-input NOR gate. High-performance silicon-gate CMOS.
SL74HCT163D Presettable counter . High-performance silicon-gate CMOS.
SL386N Low voltage audio power amplifier.
SL4013BN Dual D flip-flop. High-voltage silicon-gate CMOS.
SL74HCT10D Triple 3-input NAND gate. High-performance silicon-gate CMOS.
SL74HCT00N Quad 2-input NAND gate. High-performance silicon-gate CMOS.
SL74HC112N Dual J-K flip-flop with set and reset. High-performance silicon-gate CMOS.
SL34118D Voice switched speakerphone circuit.
SL74HC04D Hex inverter. High-performance silicon-gate CMOS.

System Logic公司簡介

To deliver total customer service and satisfaction, SLS has the assembly and test factory with expert engineers. Moreover, SLS has eagerly tried to open up a new market, secured international authentication, and developed Integrated Circuit( IC ) continuously.

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