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Music Semiconductors關鍵字:Music Semiconductors公司簡介、Music Semiconductors元器件資料、Music Semiconductors官方網站、Music Semiconductors Datasheet、Music Semiconductors手冊
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Music Semiconductors公司官方網站
型號 | 功能應用 |
MU9C3480A-12DC | 120ns 5.0V 2024 x 64bit LANCAM |
MU9C1480L-90DI | 90ns 3.3V 8192 x 64 MU9C1480A/L LANCAM |
MU9C5480A-70DC | 70ns 5.0V 256 x 64bit LANCAM |
MU9C2480A-12DC | 120ns 5.0V 2024 x 64bit LANCAM |
MU9C2480A-70DC | 70ns 5.0V 2024 x 64bit LANCAM |
MU9C1480L-12DI | 120ns 3.3V 8192 x 64 MU9C1480A/L LANCAM |
MU9C1480A-90DC | 90ns 5.0V 8192 x 64 MU9C1480A/L LANCAM |
MUAA2K80-30QGI | 3.3V 30ns 2K x 80 MUAA routing co-processor (RCP) |
MU9C4485L-70TCI | 3.3V 70ns 4096 x 64bit widePort LANCAM |
MU9C5480A-90DI | 90ns 5.0V 256 x 64bit LANCAM |
MU9C4485L-90TCI | 3.3V 90ns 4096 x 64bit widePort LANCAM |
MU9C1485A-50TCC | 5.0V 50ns 4096 x 64bit widePort LANCAM |
MU9C5480A-12DC | 120ns 5.0V 256 x 64bit LANCAM |
MU9C2480A-90DI | 90ns 5.0V 2024 x 64bit LANCAM |
MU9C4320L-70DI | 70ns 3.3V 256 x 64bit ATMCAM |
MU9C4480L-70DI | 70ns 3.3V 256 x 64bit LANCAM |
MU9C4485L-90TCC | 3.3V 90ns 4096 x 64bit widePort LANCAM |
MU9C1965A-12TCC | 120ns 5.0V 128 x 1024bit LANCAM MP |
MU9C1480B-90TAI | 90ns 3.3V LANCAM |
MU9C1480B-50TAC | 50ns 3.3V LANCAM |
MU9C4485A-50TCI | 5.0V 50ns 4096 x 64bit widePort LANCAM |
MUPA64K16-15TJI | 1.8/3.3V 15ns Alto ptiority queue scheduler |
MU9C1485A-70TCC | 5.0V 70ns 4096 x 64bit widePort LANCAM |
MU9C8358A | Evaluation kit |
MU9C4485A-90TCI | 5.0V 90ns 4096 x 64bit widePort LANCAM |
MUAC4K64-90DI | 50ns 90ns 4096 x 64 MUAA routing co-processor (RCP) |
MUAC4K64-70TDC | 70ns 4096 x 64 MUAA routing co-processor (RCP) |
MU9C2485A-12TCI | 5.0V 120ns 4096 x 64bit widePort LANCAM |
MUSIC Semiconductors,Internet, wireless network performance,hubs, routers, bridges, switches,network equipment manufacturers. MUSIC offers the broadest CAM based product line available. Dominating the binary CAM arena, MUSIC continues to reduce cost, form factors and power requirements while adding functionality.