導航:ok电子零件資料網 > 电子零件器品牌 > Motorola Datasheet > Motorola-221

85C4V7RL MC74ACT20N MC79L24CP MMBF5457LT1 MC145421DW SN74LS151D MC54HC162AJ SN54LS196J MTV16N50E MC74HC4075N MC68HC11K4MFN3 MC14023BCL MC12026AD BD241B LM317BD2T MCM64PD32SG66 MC74LVX32DT MCM69Q536TQ10 MC100LVE164 MC14558BCL MC68HC11P2BCFN4 SCM6343YJ15AR MC145202F SN74LS76AN SN74

Motorola 元件資料手冊列表-221

MC68HC711KA4VFU3 Motorola8-Bit microcontroller (M68HC11 CPU), 24 Kbytes OTPROM, 3 MHz
BZX85C4V7RL MotorolaZener diode, 500 mW, zener voltage 4.7V
MC74ACT20N MotorolaDual 4-input NAND gate
MC79L24CP MotorolaThree-terminal low current negative voltage regulator
MMBF5457LT1 MotorolaJEET general purpose transistor
MC145421DW MotorolaISDN universal digital loop transceiver II
SN74LS151D Motorola8-input multiplexer
MC54HC162AJ MotorolaPresettable counter
SN54LS196J Motorola4-stage presettable ripple counter
MTV16N50E MotorolaTMOS E-FET power field effect transistor D3PAK for surface mount
MC74HC4075N MotorolaTriple 3-input OR gate
MC68HC11K4MFN3 Motorola8-Bit microcontroller, custom ROM, 3 MHz
MC14023BCL MotorolaTripple 3-input NAND gate
MC12026AD Motorola1.1 GHz dual modulus prescaler
BD241B MotorolaNPN complementary silicon plastic power transistor
LM317BD2T MotorolaThree-terminal adjustible output positive voltage regulator
MCM64PD32SG66 Motorola256K/512K pipelined burstRAM secondary cache module for pentium
MC74LVX32DT MotorolaQuad 2-input OR gate
MCM69Q536TQ10 Motorola32K x 36 bit synchronous separate I/O SRAM
MC100LVE164 MotorolaLow-voltage 161 multiplexer
MC14558BCL MotorolaBCD-to-seven segment decoder
MC68HC11P2BCFN4 Motorola8-bit microcomputer M68HC11 family of HCMOS microcomputers, buffalo ROM, 1kbyte of RAM, 640 bytes of EEPROM, 4MHz
SCM6343YJ15AR Motorola256K X 16 bit 3.3 V asynchronous fact static RAM
MC145202F MotorolaLow-voltage 2.0 GHz PLL frequency synthsizer
SN74LS76AN MotorolaDual JK flip-flop with set and clear
SN74LS280N Motorola9-bit odd/even parity generator/checker
MC1455P1 MotorolaTiming circuit
MCM67C618FN6 Motorola64K x 18 bit burstRAM synchronous fast static RAM
MAC320A10FP MotorolaTriac
MC68B21L MotorolaPeripherial interface adapter

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