導航:ok电子零件資料網 > 电子零件器品牌 > INFINEON Datasheet > INFINEON-24

TA64 LST770-JL IL221A ILD620 TDA6160-2X PSB2120-P BBY26-S1 LRB480-CE LYB480-GK DT2416T BUZ73 LR3360-FJ BUP303 BCR169 HYB5118165BSJ-60 SDA9189X BSP88 BA887 HYB3165165ATL-60 HYB39S16800AT-8 BTS149 BFR92A HYB3165400ATL-50 HDN1131O BPW34S LU5351-JM SLA24C64-D SFH6318T

INFINEON 元件資料手冊列表-24

LSGT670-JL INFINEONMulti super-red/green TOPLED
ILD66 INFINEON2-channel photodarlington optocoupler
SMBTA64 INFINEONPNP silicon darlington transistor
IL221A INFINEONPhototransistor optocoupler
ILD620 INFINEON2-channel AC input phototransistor optocoupler
TDA6160-2X INFINEONMultistandard sound IF, I2C bus interface
PSB2120-P INFINEONISDN remote power controller
BBY26-S1 INFINEONSilicon tuning varacator
LRB480-CE INFINEONRed 5mm x 2,5mm symbol LED
LYB480-GK INFINEONYellow 5mm x 2,5mm symbol LED
DT2416T INFINEON160" red, 4-character 16 segment plus decimal alphanumeric intellident display with memory/decoder/driver
BUZ73 INFINEONN-channel SIPMOS power transistor
BCR169 INFINEONPNP silicon digital transistor
HYB5118165BSJ-60 INFINEON1M x 16bit EDO-DRAM
SDA9189X INFINEONQuarter PIP processor
BSP88 INFINEONSIPMOS small-signal transistor
BA887 INFINEONSilicon PIN diode
HYB3165165ATL-60 INFINEON4M x 16bit DRAM
HYB39S16800AT-8 INFINEON16Mbit Synchronous DRAM
BTS149 INFINEONSmart lowside power switch
BFR92A INFINEONNPN silicon RF transistor
HYB3165400ATL-50 INFINEON16M x 4bit DRAM
HDN1131O INFINEONSeven segment display
BPW34S INFINEONSilicon PIN photodiode
LU5351-JM INFINEONSuper-red/green 5mm MULTILED
SLA24C64-D INFINEON64 Kbit (8192 x 8bit) Serial CMOS-EEPROM with I2C Synchronous 2-wire bus
SFH6318T INFINEONLow-current, high gain optocoupler

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