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型號 | 功能應用 |
PCM1605Y | SoundPlus 24-Bit, 192kHz Sampling, 6-Channel, Enhanced Multi-Level, Delta-Sigma Digital-to-Analog Converter |
INA114BP | Precision Instrumentation Amplifier |
DCP010515DBP-U | Miniature, 1W Isolated Unregulated DC/DC Converters |
DAC7624UB | 12-Bit Quad Voltage Output Digital-to-Analog Converter |
INA110KU | Fast-Settling FET-Input Very High Accuracy Instrumentation Amp |
DCV010505P | Miniature, 1W, 1500Vrms Isolated Unregulated DC/DC Converters |
DAC7724U | 12-Bit Quad Voltage Output Digital-to-Analog Converter |
REG103FA-5 | DMOS 500mA Low Dropout Regulator |
ADS7825P | 4 Channel, 16-Bit Sampling CMOS A/D Converter |
OPA234U/2K5 | Low Power, Precision Single-Supply Operational Amplifiers |
OPA651U/2K5 | Wideband, Low Power Voltage Feedback Operational Amplifier |
ADS8344N | 16-Bit, 8-Channel Serial Output Sampling Analog-to-Digital Converter |
VSP3100Y/2K | 14-Bit, 10MHz CCD/CIS Signal Processor |
OPA128KM | Operational amplifier for chromatograph, bias current +/-150 fA, photodetector and etc. |
OPA350UA/2K5 | High-Speed, Single-Supply, Rail-to-Rail Operational Amplifiers MicroAmplifier Series |
ADS931E/1K | SpeedPlus 8-Bit, 30MHz Sampling Analog-To-Digital Converter |
OPA4345EA/2K5 | Low Power, Single-Supply, Rail-To-Rail Operational Amplifiers--MicroAmplifier Series |
MPY634AM | Wide Bandwidth Precision Analog Multiplier |
DAC703CH-BI | Monolithic 16-Bit Digital-To-Analog Converters |
OPA541SM-BI | High Power Monolithic Operational Amplifier |
OPA277UA/2K5 | High Precision Operational Amplifiers |
DAC7615P | Serial Input, 12-Bit, Quad, Voltage Output Digital-to-Analog Converter |
DCV010512DP-U | Miniature, 1W, 1500Vrms Isolated Unregulated DC/DC Converters |
INA2133UA/2K5 | High-Speed, Precision DIFFERENCE AMPLIFIERS |
OPA4343UA | Single-Supply, Rail-to-Rail Operational Amplifiers MicroAmplifier Series |
OPA37GU/2K5 | Ultra-Low-Noise Precision Operational Amplifier |
ADS801E | SpeedPlus 12-Bit, 25MHz Sampling Analog-to-Digital Converter |
OPA688U/2K5 | SpeedPlus Unity Gain Stable, Wideband Voltage Limiting Amplifier |
Burr-Brown Corporation is a worldwide leader in the development, manufacturing and marketing of precision linear, data conversion and mixed signal integrated circuits. These products address applications for both analog and digital signal processing relating to communications, computing, consumer, and industrial markets.