導航:ok电子零件資料網 > 电子零件器品牌 > ADI Datasheet > ADI-132
BC AD679KN AD705 AD767JP AD586KR ADN2850ARU25 AD7846 AD677KD AD9430/PCB-CMOS AD548JR AD9220SSOPEB AD834JR-REEL7 ADM8697ARU AD22050R AD7224KP AD7701TQ AD845JR-16-REEL7 ADP1073 AD8001R-EB AD829JR-REEL7 AD9200LQFP-EVAL OP400 AD8842 AD8024 OP06 AD8009AR-REEL7 AD7742YR AD9610 AD7225LP
型號 | 品牌 | 功能應用 |
EVAL-AD7719EB | ADI | 0.3-7V; low voltage, low power factory-calibrated 16-/24-bit dual ADC |
AMP01GBC | ADI | 4.5-18V; 3.0/3.4mA; low noise, precision instrumentation amplifier |
AD679KN | ADI | 0.3-18.0V; 14-bit 128 kSPS complete sampling ADC |
AD705 | ADI | Picoampere Input Current Bipolar Op Amp |
AD767JP | ADI | 0 to 18V; 1000mW; microprocessor-compatible 12-bit D/A converter |
AD586KR | ADI | InputV36V; 500mW; outputV4.980-5.020V; 3mA; to ground60mA; high precision 5V amplifier |
ADN2850ARU25 | ADI | 0.3-7V; nonvolatile memory, dual 1024 position programmable resistors |
AD7846 | ADI | 16-Bit Voltage Output CMOS DAC |
AD677KD | ADI | 16-bit 100 kSPS sampling ADC, S/(N+D) 90 dB, max INL +/- 1.5 LSB |
AD9430/PCB-CMOS | ADI | 12-bit, 170MSPS 3.3V A/D converter |
AD548JR | ADI | 18V; 500mW; precision, low power BiFET Op Amp |
AD9220SSOPEB | ADI | Complete 12-bit 1.5/3.0/10.0 MSPS monolithic converter |
AD834JR-REEL7 | ADI | 18V; 500mW; 500MHz 4-quadrant multiplier. For high-speed real time computation |
ADM8697ARU | ADI | 0.3-6V; 500-600mW; microprocessor supervisory circuit. For microprocessor systems, computers, controlles, intelligent instruments, automotive systems |
AD22050R | ADI | 3-36V; ADSP-2106x SHARC DSP microcomputer. For current sensing and motor control |
AD7224KP | ADI | -0.3, +17V; 450mW; LG2MOS 8-bit DAC with output amplifier |
AD7701TQ | ADI | -0.3 to +6V; 450mW; LC2MOS 16-bit A/D converter. For industrial process control, weigh scales, portable instrumentation, remote data acquisition |
AD845JR-16-REEL7 | ADI | 18V; 1.6W; 16MHz, 1.1W; precision CBFET Op Amp |
ADP1073 | ADI | Micropower DC-DC Converter Adjustable and Fixed 3.3 V, 5 V, 12 V |
AD8001R-EB | ADI | 12.6V; 800MHz, 50mW current feedback amplifier. For A-to-D driver, video line driver, professional cameras, video switchers , special effects, RF receivers |
AD829JR-REEL7 | ADI | 18V; high-speed, low-noise video Op Amp |
AD9200LQFP-EVAL | ADI | Complete 10-bit, 20MSPS, 80mW; CMOS A/D converter |
OP400 | ADI | Quad Low-Offset, Low Power Operational Amplifier |
AD8842 | ADI | 8-Bit Octal, 4-Quadrant Multiplying, CMOS TrimDAC |
AD8024 | ADI | Quad 350 MHz 24 V Amplifier |
OP06 | ADI | Instrumentation OP AMP |
AD8009AR-REEL7 | ADI | 12.6V; 0.75W; 1GHz, 5.500V/uS low distortion amplifier. For pulse amplifier, IF/RF gain stage/amplifiers |
AD7742YR | ADI | 0.3-7V; 450mW; single and multichannel, synchronous voltage-to-frequency converter |
AD9610 | ADI | Wide Bandwidth, Fast Settling Operational Amplifier |
AD7225LP | ADI | -0.3, +17V; 500mW; LC2MOS quad 8-bit DAC with separate reference inputs |